Friday, November 25, 2005

All In One..Lets Hip Hip Hurrah...

Well...Its Been A Long Time since i've posted anything due to the fact everything goes very fast....i dunno.....well anyway start wif the things...Happy Raya Everyone And Happy Deepavali..Very very late but well..better late then ever eh?...seems that everything revolves and goes soo fast in life...i cant keep track of it...but well To all United fans...last week well 18th November 2005.. was a great sad sad day for all of us....OUR BELOVED KEANOLeft the club...and for us....i feel we suffer a great loss and a great inspiration to all the players and to me...his drive and determination will always be remembered..sadly time goes on...and times like this need drastic changes...ahhh its beginning of a new era without him... Well On Another note..anyone Seen The New Harry Potter Movie...Yes well its pretty darn good if u ask me...its no more the childish type but its more dark and errie...which is kinda of cool...hahahha.....the effects and the whole movie crew was great to see...i really enjoyed it...but well its all colorful and rosy at the moment haha....but its just were all racing against the clock at times isnt it....well its time for me to say farewell for now..enjoy the rest of ur celebrations and holidays and well christmas is coming..i want turkey and umm pressies :)...weee...for now..Signing off