Monday, July 12, 2004

Has Anyone Seen My Spidey Friend

Oh Yeah Yeah It's Been Two Weeks Since The Release Of The Movie But You Know Even Though it's just a SO CALLED "Comic Book Hero" action style movie but yet soo far i think it's the best sequel ever to a comic book super hero series...HONESTLY telling you guys the truth..After Of Course The LOTR SEries there hasn't been a good enough sequel to match LOTR..But i guess WE FOUND ONE IN SPIDEY!!!!...The Web slinging red and blue costume played by toby mcguire and the ever loving but not as hot mary jane played by well nothing fancy kirsten durst...dear lord some may say they make a not too bad team but well i guess it had it all the action and the love story(For the Girls toooo shout about) but what striken me the most was the overall presentation and how it was made and i pay tribute too the director...he surely made my(YES He was my childhood super hero) but welll everyone should have a hero in everyone's childhood aren't i rite???....the graphics were great and nothing toooooo fancy like the chronicles of riddick where that really sucked there wasn't a punchline in it at all...but well spidey had it all...for those who enjoyed it and for those who didn't tell me one reason or flaw did it have in it???...well the ending of it had it all and there must be spidey 3 in the making and some said it's going to be another 3 yrs till we going to see it ...but well i'm going to be like an adult :O 21 yrs oh my that feels old hahahaha but i'll be hoping it will be a great sequel to one of my fantasy heroes.....Till Thennnn PEACE out


It's Been Awhile..But This Is The Start Of My blogger

Well Yeah It Takes A Long Time To Do This But Sometimes My Assignments,Homework,Project And My Social Life Really Took Alot Of My Time To Finish My Blogger And To Publish It To The World.I Had To Learn The Ropes And I Thought I Could Finish Sooner Then Later But Yet It's REALLY Hard....Maybe It's Me Or Whatever Maybe I'm Just Lazy To Really Do Regular Posting Everyday Well Hopefully Now That I Am Encourage And Willing To Take This Under My Care.Hopefully I Can Make This UP AND RUNNING.!!!*Cross Fingers*...

Well I Guess During The Past One Month...Like I Said Above It's been..assignments,study and socializing..cuz i don't see my frenz that much cuz u GUYS Are all over the place....geeeee well some don't come online no more and i hope this place would be a sanctuary and pleasent place to read and know the happenings and hip things that i suffered throughout the day or week...who knows...well I am publishing my blogger url and hope you guys and gals visit it when u have the time and post some comments and want ur voice to be heard...DO PLZ.....:)..for now it's me..till the next day.....peace and stay cool lads..
